“The most important factor in ensuring equal opportunity for women in the legal profession is a commitment to this objective, a commitment that is reflected in both institutional and individual priorities.”
WISE started out of a desire to improve equality in the legal profession. The WISE founding team believes that only through an alliance of women attorneys in both law firms and public and private companies, we can build the relationships and platform critically necessary to increase the number of women in leadership positions throughout the profession, and help achieve equality.
Establish meaningful relationships and opportunities for women to help each other advance and develop in the legal profession.
Provide a platform for women in-house attorneys and partners to collaborate and help each other succeed in being at the front of the evolving legal marketplace.
Increase law firm diversity among leadership to offer different perspectives to solve problems, and serve clients and the community.
Provide connections and resources for female law firm partners on seeking and developing clients.
Serve as a resource for in-house counsel on substantive specialties and selecting and managing outside counsel.
WISE is an alliance of women attorneys in both law firms and public and private companies who are seeking to advance in their legal positions, or to help other women attorneys advance, by facilitating relationships and development opportunities between law firm and in-house attorneys. WISE seeks to provide a platform for its members to build relationships and gain insights and feedback on areas critical to attorneys’ professional growth: in-house attorneys can help provide connections, feedback and ideas on seeking and developing clients for the law firm lawyers, and law firm lawyers can help provide a point of contact for various substantive specialties and offer a different perspective for in-house attorneys on selecting and managing outside counsel to obtain the best result for the business client. The women of WISE are dedicated to helping each other and other women attorneys advance to leadership positions and rise in the legal profession.